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About Game Consoles

Video games are increasingly popular among adults of all ages. As technology advances, video games are becoming more advanced and realistic. The games have become more lifelike and realistic. They have become so real that many children have even been known to be addicted to video games!

Why are video games so popular with the younger generation? There is no single reason behind this; however, there is a common theme. All young people love video games, and video games are a great way to pass the time. A video game or computer game is essentially an electronic game which entails interaction with a user device or user interface to produce visual output on screen-for instance, a joystick, mouse, keyboard, or other motion sensitive device.

Computer games are also referred to as game consoles. Video game consoles refer to home computers or personal computers that are used to play game-based applications (digital games played over a network, online game consoles, etc.). A large variety of computer games exists, from simple word-oriented text games to complex 3D titles (shooter, strategy game, racing game, etc.). A wide range of manufacturers produce and market computer games.

The increasing popularity of computer games and video games has led to significant increases in the number of game consoles and computer programmers. Game developers and producers regularly develop new games, which are often produced for specific consoles (PlayStation, Xbox, Wii, etc.). The increase in the number of television sets capable of playing video games has also increased the numbers of programmers and game creators.

Video arcade games were popular in the 1970s. These video arcade games consisted of coin-operated machines that consisted of moving objects that could be utilized to accumulate points and become "amped". Coin-operated machines in general had very poor graphics and were programmed by "geniuses" who received their education at college. These personal computers operated on hardware supplied by the manufacturers. Modern computer games operate on digital hardware provided by manufacturers such as Apple, Microsoft, and Sony.

Although many individuals may not realize it, video games may have a positive effect on the visual and neurological development of children. A video game console can include LCD display containing millions of colors, a sound system that includes speakers, a graphics processing unit, and a microprocessor that interacts with the video display. Playing video games can promote a "seeing the world" effect and the ability to concentrate. Many individuals report that playing some computer game consoles enables them to improve their attention, reaction time, and visual acuity.

Handheld game consoles are becoming increasingly common in private homes and public locations. These handheld game consoles have the screen and controller compact enough to be transported from one location to another. They may contain a microphone as well, although this function is not as common as those for personal computers. Many of these devices can also act as a camera, with the ability to capture video images. Additionally, they have the ability to act as radio transmitters and can play audio videos. Individuals are increasingly purchasing these handheld game consoles because they allow for creativity and personal reflection.

There are two types of video game consoles available on the market today: Nintendo Wii and Sony PlayStation. Nintendo Wii, a handheld game console designed and manufactured by the Japanese-based company, Nintendo, has received rave reviews from professional reviewers and consumers alike. The controls of the Nintendo Wii are designed to simulate a natural environment. In addition, Nintendo Wii uses motion detection technology to determine where a player is in relation to the television screen.


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